Sexual abuse/lies/hurt/pain

My dad died over a year ago now of a brain tumour. Whilst he was ill i fell pregnant and spent alot of time with him and he got to see my little one. He wasnt always the best dad when i was younger as he was put in care as a child and was sexually abused by the men that worked there who have been convicted since. He grew up quite angry not dealing with his past but when he fell ill he was so different. He was so loving and affectionate to me especially because i was pregnant.

Anyway my brother has suffered for quite a long time with drugs and alcohol which he now says he is just an alcoholic and doesnt do drugs but i dont believe him as he has always lied and i have been told otherwise. He has 2 children and has made them homeless over 3 times and now lives with his partners dad as he cannot get a home for his family due to his bad debt!! He recently got an earfull from my mum telling him he needs to sort himself out and out of nowhere he said im this way because your dad sexually abused me from the age of 10-15.

I have since spoken to him and he told me he said this because he wanted everyone off his back about drinking so much! What do i do. He tells me he loves dad and misses him so i dont know how to feel. I cant forget them good memories i was left with when he died.

Im now 28 weeks pregnant and struggling emotionally with all this as when he said what he did it made me open up about my brother who sexually abused me as a young girl. Bringing all this to the service has really affected me and i have asked my midwife for some support and maybe counselling. I just dont know what to do because that brother is still in my life..... i thought i had processed all this.