Weight Watchers and a Toddler

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I have a one year old who is eating real food now, and I’d like to get back to following Weight Watchers. It’s easiest if my daughter and I eat the same things for lunch. She’s a pretty good eater - she likes veggies and she loves cheese. She’s also pretty good with spices and seasoning as long as it’s not crazy hot.

I work from home and care for my daughter at the same time, so lunch needs to be quick and easy, low points for me but also nutritious for my toddler!

Hit me with your ideas for mommy and me point friendly lunches! I’m still breastfeeding too so I get 28 points a day, I’d like to keep lunch 10 and under (preferably less!).
