Seperated From My Baby, Again...


So for those of you who have been reading my posts, my daughter got to go home yesterday after a 10 day battle with Group B Strep, even though I tested negative. Around the time she got her IV taken out, I started to get really cold. Im talking having the room turned up to 80 with three blankets (completely submerged head and all) and two heating pads and i was still shivering. The shivering was causing me to have achiness in my knees, hips, and back. When it was time for her to go home, I stood up and nearly fell back down. Something was wrong. I checked myself into the er downstairs, thinking they could give me something to take home and that would be that. Nope. Temp of 103.1 and heartrate moderately elevated. After 4 hours of blood cultures, stitches checks (from vaginal birth and hemmorhoidectomy), and urine tests, Three doctors came in. They said my white blood count was severely elevated, 18,000's to be exact. At first they thought kidney infection, but said the levels were too high for that. They kept trying to keep me. I told them I had to be with my daughter. Doctor says 'well I'm afraid you are septic and if you go home you might die.' So after that, my husband who is in Georgia for work, convinced me to stay. I am so weak I can hardly move. It feels like rat poison is flowing through my hips. Yesterday, i could hardly move my hands. They keep trying to get my fever down, but the lowest it will go is around 101. Then it jumps right back up to 103.5. I am terrified that I won't make it out of this hospital. I need to be with my daughter. I didn't even get to dress her for the first time... my in laws are not doing a very good job, ie not getting up in the middle of the night to feed her. Not counting dirty diapers like the pediatrician wanted. She doesn't even know how to swaddle OR loosen the straps on a car seat, yet she thinks I am doing such a bad job. I can't wait to get out of here and take my daughter back. They are running more blood cultures, breastmilk cultures, etc. I just want to stop being cold and go home. Here are some pictures of my lovebug