Maybe I’m selfish?


I’ve been dating this guy on and off for 7months. I say on and off because we both have issues within ourselves and each over that we are working on. We care about each other otherwise we wouldn’t still be building on our relationship. He’s very needy as in wants to see me constantly and don’t get me wrong it’s a nice feeling to be wanted. I’m 24 he’s 28 with a daughter. I work 3 jobs because I don’t have kids or a husband right now that would cause me to slow down I enjoy work, being with him, & spending time with friends and family. I try my very best to even out my time with everyone because the last thing I ever want to do is make someone not feel important to me and yes work does take a lot of my time. I just hate how he makes me feel really guilty about not spending more time with him. I’ve been upfront with him from the very beginning that I choose to have a busy life right now and he choose to stay but lately he’s been demanding more and more and it’s just adding to the stresses I already have. I don’t know how to get the point across more clearly to him without hurting his feelings.. we both decided in the future we want kids together but until then I’m just not ready to slow down