I think I have line eyes 👀

Hi ladies,
Short story... 
I miscarried July 6th at almost 6 weeks. I bled naturally after for 6 days then my body seemed to return to normal. 
I have been using OPKs for two weeks and received a positive on Monday. 
I randomly took an HCG test today. As I picked it up I accidentally dropped the tip back the cup of pee for like half a second(lol). It looked negative but after about 45 minutes I noticed a VERY faint line. Maybe evap? Maybe from dropping it? I know that you aren't suppose to use the results after 5 minutes.
I took another one just now and looks pretty darn negative. 
I haven't had a period since May 28th, so it's hard for me to track. However since I just had an LH surge I doubt I'm pregnant. 
Probably just wishful thinking as I look closer...
(First one I dropped)
(Top is first, bottom is second try just now)