

So yesterday after church service I stood up, felt a gush and made a bee line to the bathroom where I discovered that I bled through the liners I was wearing.

Hubby took me straight home where I proceeded to bleed through a pad and called the on call doctor. He told me not to freak out unless it gets heavier and if it does to call him back.

I try to get some sleep (we normally nap after church) but I keep feeling gushes. I get up to go to the bathroom to check the damage and I pass 4 clots one the size of my knee.

I wake hubby and tell him we need to go to the emergency room and we head out. I get there and I’m still bleeding very heavily. Bled through a pad there. They do an ultrasound and baby looks fine heartbeat strong which is a huge relief. BUT no one can tell me why I’m bleeding which is very unnerving.

Has this happened to anyone and you went on to have a normal pregnancy and/or delivery of healthy baby? I feel like my doctors just want me to wait it out because of holiday weekend.

***It was a miscarriage, went in for my appt Thursday and nothing could be found on ultrasound and bloods confirmed. Hubby and I are heartbroken.