Falling out of love?


Recently my boyfriend and i have been somewhat off, he got a surgery on his shoulder at the end of July and he’s been off work since. I work full time and only get to see him after work and my 2 days off. The first 3 weeks were fine, he needed me most for daily activities like showering, changing himself, putting his shoes on etc. But now he can do everything on his own and it’s almost as if we’ve ran out of things to talk about. We would stay up late and watch movies and now he’s only on his phone. It’s seems whenever we have plans something ALWAYS comes up, a friend needs him, family member just crashed, or he’s tired. I think he’s bored of me but he says he’s not. He still talks about what our wedding and children will be like. But I’m not sure if I’m losing my spark with him or what it could be?