Pregnancy scare after 40


Yep, you read that right, at almost 42 I have this strange feeling that my fiancé and I have conceived a child. This isn’t the first time (sadly I miscarried in 2016) but more importantly I should tell y’all that I had a Tubal ligation in August 2002 after my youngest child was born, cut, tied, burned. I was told that I could consider it permanent. Okay then explain to me why I got pregnant in 2010 (miscarried) conceived again in 2015 (miscarried) and once again in 2016? I’m fully aware that the Tubal Ligation has a 1% failure rate, but Did I have to be THIS “lucky” I’m almost 42 with 2 grown daughter’s, a 16 year old son, I Grandson and twin granddaughters on the way!!!!