Dreams! 👼

Sierra Charmaine

I souly believe in dreams, that's how I decided to find out when I was pregnant with my first, at first I didnt think anything of it but within about a week and a half span, I had three dreams total that I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive, the day of my expected period I woke and took a Walmart cheapie 88 cent one and then frantically took 5 more of the clear blue including a digital one starting clear as day that I was pregnant. I told my husband and everything was great, unfortunately that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 10 weeks on March 25th of this year, most devastating day of my life (besides the day I lost my mom), i gave myself enough time to which I think was enough time to recovery mentally and emotionally before trying again, we've been trying since the end of May and no luck just yet. Last night I had a very vivid dream that I was at an OBGYN and I was back in a room as the lady doctor was taking pictures of the baby, at what she said was about 8 weeks, and then she waved someone into the room turning out to be my mom, I instantly started crying because of the hurting, so many emotions, I just wanted to hug my mom and she tell me everything would be fine...... moving onto dream #2, I was back in school (college) hopefully I can go back when the time I right, but I was there with a back pack walking around school and I remember thinking in my head that my son is quiet so I can bring him along because I dont trust others with my child, lol idk I guess I'm crazy, but then I find myself with my arm laced through an infant carseat with a silent bright eyed baby boy in it..... I also am around 4 days late for my period and I thought she was going to come two night ago but no AF and negative tests, any advice would help! I know this is long and I'm sorry for that but I know anyone that has experienced this loss is just waiting on that double line or plus sign, I wish you all the best and I hope I get my positive soon.