Accidental Home Birth! 😵


I'm a month late writing this but what a crazy day! It started at 3am on the 7th of August (Was wide awake playing pokemon on my phone 😂). My partner was at his dads so it was just me at my 7 year old at home. Out of no where I began having mega back contractions, literally 1 every few minutes. Went to the loo and my waters broke so I rang maternity triage to let them know... who proceeded to tell me I probably just wet myself and my contractions can't be that close as I could talk through them.. Despite telling them I have a high pain threshold, they said have a bath and paracetamol and ring back later. I then rang my partner but his phone had obviously died so text his Dad hoping he'd see it 😂. Called my mum to let her know and just tried to go sleep. 2 and half hours later, no change in amount of contractions, just getting stronger. my OH rings and starts running home and as soon as I got off the phone to him, I needed to push. Rang my mum and dad to rush over to get my son and then 999. Luckily they arrived 15 minutes before she decided to make an entrance. My dad then arrives to get my son and just as her head came out my OH rushed in, just in time to see her enter the world.. I was actually ment to be induced on the 8th, my due date. She obviously had other plans!