Placenta previa? Should I panic?

TriSh • expecting baby #1!

Hey guys, I was recently diagnosed with placenta previa at 19 weeks pregnant and I didn't get to ask my doctor too many questions about it at my appointment today because I didn't know that there were stages to it until after I got home and did more research. However she didn't sound too worried and I wasn't put on bed rest or anything of that sort. She only told me to refrain from sexual activity until my next ultrasound at 24 weeks. Should I be worried? I read that it can move upwards later on but I kind of have anxiety and depression so it's very hard for me not to worry. Our healthcare system in the Caribbean isn't the best either so that too makes me worried that they probably aren't taking it seriously enough? Please share your experiences and thoughts. Thank you so much in advance.

-worried mom to be