How would you feel?

I am feeling pretty low from various things just now, so if you would like to comment please be kind. I haven’t really got anyone I can reach out to about this, so I am asking here.

There are multiple things going wrong with me and my boyfriend just now, but I will just ask about this one thing. For context, I am 26 and he is 31, we have been together for three years.

I just wanted to know how you would feel about your partner being really friendly and pleasant with people who have hurt or disrespected you in the recent past? These are people that he/we met after being together for a while. I would never ever tell him not to be friends with someone, especially if they were someone he knew before me.

I just wanted to know if you thought it was founded for me to be kind of upset by it - it just makes me feel like he hasn’t got my back.