Do you have a mother in law from hell? If so post some things she’s said

“You need to leave her she’s going to ruin your life” (2 years later and one baby later)

“He’s just like his father he will eventually snap and beat you”

“I’m going to expose her for everything she’s done to me” (I’ve never done anything)

“When is she gonna do something around here” (what keeping your animals alive, taking them out, taking care of your house that’s not even livable wasn’t enough while you were on a 6 month honeymoon)

“She’s a slut/bitch and whore that ruined your life”

“She must have fun antagonizing me” (because I reblocked her)

“I’m sick of her being such a bitch to me” (just because I reblocked her)

“She’s pissing my husband off more ever since she called him a drug addict and she had no right to tell people I’m on drugs” (I never said that you made it up BUT IF THE SHOE FITS 🤷🏼‍♀️)

“I’m fucking done with your wife and her bullshit” (never did anything but block you so you wouldn’t harass me)

“If you step on my lawn I’m having you arrested for trespassing”

“Why wasn’t I invented to your wedding” (why do you think I was 19 weeks pregnant and didn’t need you starting a fight like you always do)

Best of all:

“You better be here for the dogs or they will be tied to her grandmas door”

“Maybe I can bring the dogs to her grandmas and let them piss all over the floor”

“Your wife is a psychotic bitch” (me? Look at you)

“You never had these medical issues until you got with her” (yes he did they just weren’t found yet maybe he had them because you always started screaming matches with him and it was killing his heart)

“I may have beat my son and threatened to kill him and his father may say that he was the worst mistake him and I ever made, but you’re the one that ruined his life” (bitch what?)

There’s more but I don’t remember it all