Follicle scan...


Top picture is my right ovary with 4 small follicles. The bottom picture is my left ovary with 3 follicles, 1 of which is the biggest at 14mm. This ultrasound was done at cd14. I do tend to have longer cycles even on Clomid so I’m hoping I ovulate later and give this follicle more time to grow. I know it needs to be at least 18mm to be viable. All of this info I got from the ultrasound tech, I have not been able to get with my doctor for his findings and recommendations. Please tell me what your thoughts are. Do you think it will get bigger by the time I’m ready to ovulate? Am I out for the month? (The nurse acted like this 14mm follicle wouldnt stand a chance 🙄🙄). Please tell me how big your follicle was and if you conceived that month. I really need some motivation to get me through the next 2 weeks....

side note:this month I was on provera, Clomid & metformin. Along with prenatals