Possible gd, definitely polyhydramnois, induce?



Baby measured a week ahead all along but at week 34 they found that his abdominal circumference was greater than 98%, looked back at my three hour glucose which was marginally passing and decided I probably had gd. Although they didn’t tell me this until week 35. Ive been testing fasting and after each meal for two weeks now and my blood sugars look normal. Sometimes my keytones are high but idk what that means. So I got another ultrasound to check the fluid and it’s a bit high 24 is the cut off and I have 28. So, due to the fluid they recommended induction because the risk of the chord coming before the baby is slightly elevated so they want me in the hospital to be able to rush us to surgery on the off-chance that chord thing happens. What I’m wondering is... why not just come into the hospital immediately once I go into labor naturally. Why is the risk of induction worth the tiny chance of chord prolapse being totally controlled by the hospital. It felt a bit like they just told me they recommend induction because of legal liability and not necessarily because it’s actually helpful or necessary. What have you all been told about induction, polyhydramnios and inductions for larger babies? I don’t want to refuse induction if it’s actually dangerous to baby. I’m not convinced the risks of induction are worth avoiding the tiny risk of chord prolapse. Thoughts?
