No sore boobs before AF - Post Miscarriage?


I miscarried 2 months ago, and I am now waiting on my 2nd period (2-3 days out). As long as I can remember as an adult my boobs always hurt about 10-14 days before AF starts. Last cycle was my first cycle post Miscarriage and started 32 days after Miscarriage (right on target 30-32 day cycle), but I didn’t have my normal sore boobs like I usually do. I thought maybe it was bc it was my first post Miscarriage and my hormones we’re just readjusting. Now I’m waiting for my 2nd period and still nothing. All I feel are sporadic pulls and tugs in my lower pelvis (for about a week now but more so last few days), and very little CM from time to time. We started TTC this cycle, so as you can imagine the wait is excruciating. Anyone have anything similar they can share?