He is refusing to baptize our (future) children...


I need some help here guys! My husband and I are TTC and the one thing we cant seem to agree on is baptism. We get in some pretty heated arguments about this subject.

My husband is Christian, his family is very religious. Some are evangelical and some are nondenominational. He says he is nondenominational. We dont go to church, or pray over meals but he was raised doing both of those!

I am Agnostic, my dad is Athiest and the rest of my family is protestant or Agnostic as well. I was baptized, when I was an infant, at a nondenominational church, I went to a catholic private school through 6th grade but I never did a confirmation so I dont view myself as catholic.

I personally feel it is important to baptize the child as an infant only as tradition and an initiation into christianity and as a declaration that my husband as n I choose to raise our child with Christian values!

BUT....my husband is dead set on no baptism until they can choose baptism for themself. So basically he sees Baptism as them choosing their faith which is the way I see Confirmation not baptism.

Is one of us wrong here? Is there a way to do a baptism or maybe a christening in a nondenominational way that will satisfy both of us? Does any of this even make sense?