Would you be offended? Long post

If your husband and his mother were on the phone arguing and she says something along the lines of 'you'll see how it feels when *your name* leaves you and takes your children away from you' would that offend you? When they were on the phone I didn't know what she said but I heard him get pissed and tell her 'if your gonna take about my family I'm done talking to you.' So I asked him what she said and he said the thing about me leaving and taking the kids. I was pretty offended by that. My husband and I have talked about if we ever split up and I've told him I would never keep his kids from him because in the end that'll hurt my children. So anyway, when I told him I was a bit offended by that he said she didn't mean it in a way that was talking bad about me. She feels like him and his bro (who were adults when the mom and dad divorced) choose the dad over her and somehow that was compared to if I were to take my kids from they're father.

A couple of other things to throw out there. 1.Him and his mother argue alot. They have a bit of a toxic relationship. He tries to work on it with her and they do good for a bit before she starts calling him to curse him out just because she's in a bad mood. She's not like that with her other son but he lives out of state. 2. They started arguing about money then it turned into arguing about her ex husband(his dad) which is when she made that comment. 3. She's made comments about me before one of them insinuating that I think I'm the boss of my relationship because him and I discuss everything before we have any decisions. He tells her something when she says something but then when I tell him it bothered me he says she didn't mean it like that so it makes me unsure if I'm being sensitive or if I have a right to be bothered.