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Rachel • August Dean 08/26/19, Jude Parker 09/21/2020, Lincoln Noah 08/04/2021

I am a survivor of domestic abuse. I wasn't abused by my husband, he's a saint, but by my stepdad regularly from the time I was 8 until I finally moved out when I was 18. My mother married my step father while he was in jail for aggravated assault because she was pregnant with my little brother. I was 8 when that happened and as soon as he got out of jail things immediately got bad. He would hit my mother a lot, and call her awful names and yell at me for no reason at all. Finally when I was 12 I guess he decided to start hitting me too. He'd pick me up by my hair and threaten to beat me with a hammer. He'd drag me down the hallway by my hair, and threaten to kill the whole family. I think the worst I had ever seen it was when I was 13, on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. My little brother and sister we're standing near the presents looking out the window because he was outside and they wanted to see what he was doing. He got very angry and came inside where he pulled me and my mother in to my room. He forced me to strip naked and told my mother his friends were coming over to give him weed and either they were going to rape me or my mother for it. He dragged her down the hall by her hair and slammed her head in the oven. While she was trying to get away the soot from the inside of the oven got on her hands and it left hand prints all over the floor. When I was 17, the day before I started my senior year of high school he said he wanted to take me out to a movie as a father daughter celebration of my last year of high school. He ended up getting drunk and forcing me to drive him to his sister's house halfway across the state even though I didn't have a license. He told me if I did anything wrong he'd grab the steering wheel and run us off the road. When we got to his sister's house he tried to sexually assault me, but his sister intervened. Finally at the very end of the night he gave me the keys to the car and told me to leave. I had to drive my self back home over 100 miles. After I graduated high school I went to college and he went to jail. I had to move back in with my mom after my first semester of school cause I couldn't afford it. Luckily my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time and his family took me in and I didn't have to live with the abuse anymore. My mother is still married to him and still suffers abuse at his hands, and my young siblings still live there too. I however am 19, and married to my husband who is everything I could ask for, and we just started trying to have our first baby 3 months ago.