Advice please.....

I love my best friend dearly but she's a bit overwhelming. She wants to talk everyday all day and doesn't seem to appreciate that we have different lifestyles. We're both married but her husband works out of state and they only see each other every few weeks so she has a lot of free time outside of work. We talk almost everyday via messaging (from when she wakes up until she goes to bed) and we're both updated on what's going on in each other's lives. Problem is that daily messaging isn't enough for her. She also wants to Skype after work and weekends for hours! I can do 10-15 mins but 2-3hrs is ridiculous especially when we're just chatting about stuff that she messaged me already throughout the day. I know she's finding it difficult to cope w/o her husband and I try my best to be there for her but I just can't do the daily texting AND long skype calls. I have a lot to do outside of work and the little free time I may have on weekends is to relax and spend time with my family. Sometimes when she's having a bad week I'll prioritize her and skype but as soon as we hang up she messages me and ask "same time next week?" I started to realize that she really wants us to Skype every single weekend but I just don't have the time or energy. She doesn't cook, clean, grocery shop etc, just pretty much sleep all day when she's not at work. Even if I'm having a slow weekend I rarely want to Skype because she goes on for hours! And all she ever talks about is her husband and their long distance problems. I find myself making up lies and excuses whenever she tries to Skype then I feel guilty. I would rather explain to her that it's not practical to Skype every weekend but how do I do that without hurting her feelings? Am I a bad person/friend for feeling this way? We're both in our early thirties and I just feel like chatting on the phone for long hours everyday isn't practical (at least not for me). What do you ladies think?

p.s. we live in different states and visit see each other every six month or so