What are you "trying to hide that big belly of yours?"


Let me start off by saying, I have never been a "skinny girl" I've struggled with my weight my entire life. My first pregnancy, I gained close to 90lbs (I was in a very abusive relationship) and vowed to never do that to myself again.

Anyway, I had a baby in November, (I'm with someone new) and I only gained 32lbs exactly. I was super proud of myself since I gained a lot of weight with my first baby. We are pregnant again and due in January. I'm almost 23 weeks pregnant now and I've gained 7lbs total so far. My doctor is super impressed with my weight gain again and so have I been until, yesterday.

Yesterday, we went to a birthday party for my nephew. My Mother in law who I cannot really stand, but I tolerate for my children asked all of the girls in our family to take a picture together. I told her that I wanted to hold my baby to which she replied, "why, so you can hide that big belly of yours?" I smiled and said, "there is no hiding this belly because there is a big baby growing in it." I'm hurt and maybe, it's just my emotions but I'm really upset because I got my hair done for this weekend, I did my makeup for the first time in months and I felt semi good until yesterday.

Wouldn't you be upset or would you not think so far into it?

I'm on the far left, the spawn of satan (my mil is in the middle) and my sister in law is on the far right.