Gallbladder surgery after c-section😑

Yasmine 🤰

I'm 3 weeks pp c-section, 11pm I started having rib pain out of the blue, got so bad breathing was hard. Had MIL watch baby as we came to the ER at 12:30am.

Ultrasound show that my gallbladder was inflamed and had a small infection so that bad boy came out about 10am yesterday the 16th.

I'm in so much pain, now healing will be even harder.... that was the longest I've gone without holding my daughter😭 I missed her so much even though they brought her by while I was in hospital, I couldn't hold her long cause I hurt 💔

Just started feeling better than this happens ughhhh! Got home the evening after surgery, it's nice to be in my bed. I'm unable to help care for my daughter cause of the pain. I can't even twist in bed or stand up with out pain. My SO did so well last night, I was up with him but he did all the work. My MIL doesn't work till afternoon so she too is helping and my mom will be coming over to.

It's just so sucky to have just had a c-section and cause of the I get an infection and have my gallbladder removed. My life will never be the same food wise.