Trusting and waiting is getting so hard

Li 💍 • 🍎Teacher 💍Wife 👼🏽Mom to an Angel 7-31-19 and my rainbow baby 7-20-20

I said I wouldn't obsess over getting pregnant. I promised I would trust God and wait, but today I couldn't resist getting a test from the dollar store. I prayed and prayed all day even while taking the test, waiting on results and after. I am 22 days late. I was so excited. My period is irregular and has always been since my very first cycle at 14...I'm 26 now. Feeling down and trying not to because I know God has a plan for us, but it's so hard when people who arent even "trying" get pregnant so quickly. My heart hurts a little and I'm holding in tears. I want a baby. I deserve a baby. I am a Christian and I believe I will have a baby. The waiting part is what is so difficult. Please say a prayer for me. If you aren't a believer, please no harsh words. My faith is very important to me and I don't want any negative comments please. I have 2 of the 4 common symptoms of PCOS, but was told you should have 3 or more to see I am obese and have irregular periods. I don't want to claim that and believe in healing from my God. I am going to start a Keto diet again because it was helpful in the past. Also going to start exercising again. Any other advice?