HSG done today - easy!


Figured I would post in here in case anyone is worried. I read a lot about the HSG test last night and thoroughly freaked the F out over it.

I had a busy morning at work so fortunately my mind wasn’t on it the *entire* day but on the drive to the doctor’s office this afternoon I was starting to feel really panicky. I was tearing up as we pulled into the parking lot. My husband reminded me “you’ll be fine, just think of why we’re doing this” and with that in mind I went in.

Had to do a quick pee test to confirm I’m not pregnant (which I knew already as I am only on CD 6) and then went into the exam room and undressed from the waist down and sat on the table. The doctor didn’t come in for about 5 minutes which felt like a really long time and I was starting to cry again from the fear and anticipation while I waited. When he finally came in he explained what he was going to do, reassured me the test would be quick and that I should not experience much discomfort and then we got started.

My test was a bit different than other stories I read so here is what happened:

- I laid back with my legs super high in the stirrups. Like really high which was not very comfortable!

- Doctor did a quick X-ray to make sure I was positioned correctly.

- Then he put in the speculum, and cleaned off my cervix with an iodine wash. This part was a little uncomfortable as there was some pressure from the speculum, but it was similar to getting a Pap smear.

- Next the catheter was put in place and the speculum was removed. This was different from other stories I read where the speculum was left in for the entire test.

- Dye was inserted which again was more pressure. The doctor had warned me there would be pressure at this point as the dye went in but that it should not last for more than 30 seconds - and he was right, it really didn’t last long so the pressure was easily bearable.

- More X-rays were taken, then the catheter was removed. And that was it!

The doctor said everything looked great and there were no blockages!

The doctor and nurse left me in the room to clean off a bit and get dressed and I was given a pad in case any dye leaked out.

I was warned I may experience some cramping after the test and was given some ibuprofen as I left which I took in the car before we drove home. I definitely felt the cramps but the ibuprofen kicked in and so I wasn’t suffering too long. I felt really tired when we got home so I took a little nap and woke up feeling fine.

Overall the test was not bad at all and was definitely not like some of the stories I had read. Of course everyone is different but in my case it was really nothing terrible and best of all it was quick! My appointment was at 2:30 and we were driving home by 2:55!