You “WERE” a pretty baby

When I was a baby I was the most adorable baby ever..many ppl thought I could’ve been a gerber baby. After 6 or 7. I started changing drastically my skin changed my eyes got bigger my teeth got bad because I sucked my thumb..I wasn’t a bad looking girl I just wasn’t that beautiful baby anymore. Years later I have fixed that I have grown into myself but I never been in a relationship but my mom and my WHOLE FAMILY always pulls up my baby pictures and says omg that was a pretty little baby. Then when they view my recent older pics they criticize or say oh I like this picture never omg this is a beautiful pic. And I’m like ok I get it I’m not that beautiful outstandingly little girl anymore I’m older I’ve developed but I get sick of hearing “you WAS a pretty little baby” so I’m not pretty now? Always “WAS”...tbh I get in my feelings I’m literally crying at 4am because they always pull up those baby pictures or it’s like I’ve changed and I’m not that beautiful anymore it sucks..I wish I came out an average baby and transformed to a swan. I get sick of ppl referring to my baby pics it messes with my already low self esteem.. if I came out an average baby maybe the expectations would be so high! It’s like they will always refer to aunt always says omg look at my old baby when she had all this hair and she always showing RANDOM ass People pics of my hair when I was little girl! Yeah I get it I’m not that 1-6 year old why must you show everybody it pisses me off..ive always had long hair and I decided to cut it off so that fucks with me because my short hair makes my face so round. Thanks guys I’m done ranting I’m just so upset and hurt.