Bottle woes


So we have been trying to get LO to drink from the bottle since she was 3 weeks old. She is 16 weeks now. We have made some progress while she is at daycare all day since i quit going to nurse her on my lunch break, but not enough progress. The most she has drank in one day is 5.5oz. the other days it was 4oz or less, one day only 1.5oz. this is extremely frustrating to me because i feel trapped. She nurses all evening and is up in the night to nurse. I don't know how to reverse this cycle and teach her that she needs to eat during the day. I know she CAN drink from the bottle but she just won't and I'm at my wit's end. I am literally so frustrated that any time i think about it i could just cry. I love breastfeeding and don't want to stop but i need to be able to sleep and have a life and for the love of God know that she is drinking something all day 😭😭 I'm to the point where I'm considering bottle boot camp and just not giving her the breast at all until we get reproducible results with the bottle.... i just don't know if i can handle it. Will be talking to her dr first at her 4mo appt but wondered if any of you have any thoughts on all this?