Seeing if anyone might have the same problems

For the past 4 years I've been having a lot of strange symptoms and no doctor has been able to figure it out so far(I'm in a small area so there aren't many options when it comes to doctors). My muscles are weak, sometimes they'll randomly give up on me which is really scary. I have eye pain and visual problems aswell. My depth perception is completely off, and things look very strange(kind of like I'm on a small amount of mushrooms). Whenever I get too warm blood pools in my feet and they turn red and purple. It's scary and nobody has been able to figure out what's wrong. I've seen eye doctors who say my vision should be perfect(but it's not). I got an MRI which was completely clear. I saw A neurologist who stuck needles in my muscles and shocked me with them and that test came back clear. I've had countless blood tests which were also clear. I'm starting to have a really hard time keeping positive. I'm very depressed and feeling defeated. I'm wondering if anyone else has the same symptoms or might have any idea what's going on.