Unfortunately pregnant

Around 3-5 months ago myself and my SO made the decision to come off the pill, I had been on it since I was 14 now 21 a very long time and I was worried that it would prevent me from having children.

Skip to a month ago and we had unprotected sex on the 2nd of September and I was in the health clinic by the Monday afternoon to take the morning afterpill and I was actually given two because of height and weight which is fine, now here we are on the 24th of August only 6 days late and I’m pregnant...

I am not ready for this, I am going to have an abortion as we are about to move away and we are not ready for this. Now I have had an abortion before when I was 15 which I know sounds horrendous and it was a horrible experience now I had the pill abortion and I wouldn’t want that again.. are you able to pick what you want?

Any advice would be highly appreciated..