10dpo, bfn, dull cramping, constipated

Im 10dpo, im having dull cramping in my stomach (kinda feels like period cramps, then i realized i havent shit since saturday nightbor sunday morning. Ive been getting negatives, but my appetite has been through the roof, im on wellbutrin to suppress that and its like my appetite is overrunning it, and the strange thing is, no matter how much i eat, im not gaining a single pound! Usually i eat like this and I gain about 10lbs in 2 days, but ive been pigging out since saturday, and not 1lb has stayed on my body! Its strange. Wishful thinking that my body is eating up that food and burning those calories making my baby! Anyone else experience this? I plan on testing tomorrow morning with first response early detection test. Af is due saturday the 29th. Hoping these cramps arent because of her, and that the cramps are just because i have a massive shit waiting to come out 😂😂😂😂