19dpo, BFN, no AF, totally ovulated 9/6 100% sure


For sure ovulated 9/6. Had ovulation bleeding, and cramping, temp spike, it was brutal and my first time experiencing it “knowingly”.

LMP started 8/21.

Sore boobs. They come and go.

Very lotiony CM, always wet. Sometimes in undies, sometimes not. I am not questioning IF I ovulated. I definitely did, it was a dead-ringer.

Mild cramping in lower abdomen which isn’t normal for me.

Continually elevated temps as per chart pic

I have been tired but only intermittently “exhausted”.

I want to know have any of you gotten BFP after 19dpo? Bc to be honest, I’ve taken 100 tests, expensive, cheap, you name it. Your thoughts?

I have 4 kids. They’ve all been different. I had had blood HCG come back negative before as well as doctor ordered urine dipped...

All of your thoughts are welcome- thanks in advance... ridiculous- pulling, slight nausea, everything - idc I just need to know so I can move on with my life one way or another out of limbo land 😰😰😰