My support system gave up on me 😔

RS • Baby girl born August 2019👶🏻 💕 Baby #2 Oct 2021 ✨

So my husband and I have been ttc for 6 months now..we started the one a day couples prenatal pack and last month and this month I started using OPKs and didn’t work for us last month and I was hoping to try again this month. Well I saw that my cm was raw egg white so I took a opk and saw that I ovulated a few days earlier than this app predicted so I showed my husband and he pretty much told me he’s sick of seeing the OPKs and me talking about the app and telling him when we have to really have sex( side note: we have sex all the time but coincidently he’s never in the mood during my fertile window) he is telling me that he doesn’t even think it’s the right time to try for a baby anymore... I honestly am so upset and feel like I lost my main support system...I really want a baby more than anything right now and it sucks that I’m willing to try so hard to achieve it and he just throws in the towel...obviously I can’t get pregnant on my own and he won’t even bother to BD with me when I tell him it’s important to do it on this day or that I’m pretty much at a point where I want to throw away all of my OPKs and delete this app and leave it be...just feeling really down and don’t know what else I can say or do...I’m sorry but I had to put my feelings down somewhere before I really break’s crazy that he wanted kids a few months ago but now that it’s taking more time than he expected he’s sick of trying so hard 😔😔😔 feeling broken