I need help!😥


Hello everyone!

I need help from people who got information from lactation consultants or who might even be one or who are experts in this topic.

So, my baby has been breastfed for 5 months exclusively. Never had problems. Then he had a congestion with his nose and was fussy. But even when he got better he was fussy and only nursed for 5-10 minutes on each side.

I went to the doctor for a regular check up and that day his primary care wasn't available so he was checked by a different doctor.

His weight was 6% while he always had a 50% on his weight chart.

She told me to supplement with formula, which I really don't want to do since adding other foods but breastmilk can decrease supply, but I need my supply up.

She also told me to take fenugreek, which someone else told me was drying women out.

The doctor also said that I should give him about 2-3 ounces after each feeding.

Okay so here is the deal.

I am feeding my baby every hour to 1.5 hours. I reduced the bottles and don't give him formula anymore since I wanna see how he's doing.

I was told, a baby should get 1-1.5 ounces per hour (exclusively breastfed). Also I was told that whenever that doctor said was way too much formula and too much for one feeding.

Apparently, I don't need my milk boosted but I can hardly get milk out after a feeding.

My baby stopped being so fussy but still only feeds 5-10 min on each side and then turns his head away.

He does have wet diapers and I change him about 6-7 times a day.

I am not sure what to do now and I need help. It is my first baby and I would prefer to breastfeed for as long as it's possible and have him gain weight adequately! 😥💙

FYI, the other person that I was consulted by was a certified online lactation consultant, but I would prefer more input.