I just need to rant

My mom is an alcoholic, my dad died when I was 9 because of alcoholism. After my mom was nearly dying in the hospital and was told she’d have a year left to live if she kept drinking she got sober. We moved from the only home I’ve ever know far away from anywhere I could feel safe. Now we live in a new town, I go to a new school where I know nobody and I’m missable. After 6 months of being sober my mother is drinking again and she’s ruining my life even more. All she does is scream and yell and tell me and my brother we are worthless. I’ve been dealing with this for 7 years and though it doesn’t hurt as bad anymore it still hurts. I hate my mom when she’s drunk she is nothing like the woman who raised me... it’s like I’m looking at her through a fun mirror. I have a great boyfriend and wonderful friends but now they are no where close enough to run too. I have no where to hide and I think I’m losing my mind. I just want her to care about us enough to care about herself. We tried everything to get her to stop and now we what just wait for her to kill her self while we all watch?!! I’m so lost I love her but I hate her alcoholism. My scared I’m going to walk in the door and find my mom dead this time instead of passed out. If anyone reads this thank you I just wanted somewhere I could spill all of this out...