Tired of my family smh


Hey i'm bi (a proud bi that sometimes tell people i'm gay to see how they react lol) and happy with my single life ^^(yep!)

And i'm kindda getting tired of my family members cuz:

1) they say they are open but i think they are secretly really intolerant with lgbtq+ pple)

2) they(mostly mom, big sis and step bro) alsway ask me if there a boy in my life and "later you will marry a guy" "when you will have a boyfriend blablabla" and it f***** annoys me. Because i don't want a relationship (at least for now) and certainly not marry anyone(i just dont see the point and don't want it lol). And that annoys me the most is that they assume i only go for guys!

I want to tell them who i am cuz i feel a weight in my chest when they say stuff like that...

And i feel like a want to be real with my family at least a little bit... (cuz i'm also not telling them i have depression, technically my sisters know cuz i got real one time with her but she said stuffs like it's not really depression or stuff like that and to this day i dont onow if she really acknowledge it).

Sorry about the long post haha

and thank you for reading until the end it feels nice to get it off my chest 😁