
I broke my ankle and my boss expects me to be on my feet all day. I work in housekeeping. I push a cart, mop and sweep, doing laundry and so forth all on crutches. I have two doctors telling my com0lete opposite things. First of all I went to urgent care to get it xrayed and she tells me that it is a really bad sprain and treat it like a sprain. With my boss I have to beg her to let me leave. Anyways when the radiologist looks at it he see that it is broken and I get word of this three days later. My boss expects me to work since I have been putting some weight on it. Anyways the urgent care doc calls me and tells me that it is broken but continue to treat it like a sprain. My boss wants me to come in after I get my cast on from my primary doc to work because she wants me to get my job done. I wonder how this will play out tonight. I am already sore from walking with the crutches and only using one leg for support.

My boss has been cutting my hours because they dont believe me when I do call in sick but I always have a doctors note. My doc doesnt write notes for no reason. The last time I had strep with a fever and vomiting and they didnt even believe me. My friends at my work place which is a nursing home by the way have told me that my boss doesnt believe me.

Am I obligated to show proof out side of a doctors note? Will I get let go or fired for not coming into work because of an illness if I have a doctors note stating I need time off.