17 month old, still doesn’t sleep through the night


So, it wouldn’t be too much an issue, but I’m going to be going to work overnights starting sometime next year and I just see no end to the waking.

I don’t do a normal form of CIO but I’ve been working on weaning her overnight for months (on and off because sometimes you can only take so much whining at night time and I give in)

Anyway, she goes to bed without boob now, we bedshare and I lay down with her in the dark until she falls sleep, sometimes takes 20 mins sometimes takes 2 hours (help me!)

She wakes up at least 3 times a night... around midnight, 3, and 4:30-5, I let her have booby around 4-5.

(She sometimes wakes up different times but usually 3 times)

What can I do?! I still have like 5 months til I’ll be returning to work but I need to feel confident that she can sleep at least til 6am! (Preferably 7:30 all night!)

I’ve tried putting her down earlier, later, we have a solid bedtime routine, I take her to the park or tire her out before bed, we’ve tried snacks before bed that help with sleep and no snacks! She doesn’t drink milk yet (doesn’t like it.)

Please help a mama out!! I can’t really do a full CIO method we’ve tried and it’s just not for me.

As anyone had to fully wean day and night to achieve this?