What's the weirdest TTC trick you've tried?


Just saw an old post similar to this on another forum which makes me curious.. what is the weirdest TTC trick you've tried?

For me,

Some weird.. some not so weird depending on who you are and how you look at it..

I've been taking mucinex and using pre seed.

I've throw my legs up on the wall with my butt in the air.

I keep a moonstone on me at all times because its said to help with fertility.

I bought a fertility candle (this one is weird for me) with a fertility goddess charm attached to it. And I don't even know how I'm supposed to use this candle.

Anddddd... my most recent, climbed on an inversion table and hung upside down after baby dancing so gravity hopefully forced the little sperms where they need to go.

There is probably a plethora of other things I've tried that I'm just not thinking of. But I also find it funny that EVERYTHING is TMI when TTC but I don't care and I blab about it anyway. Like "yup, I just had sex" "yup, I put my fingers up my vagina to check my cervical mucus and cervical position" 😂😂😂

I will never take for granted my long and exhausting TTC journey and all of the things it has taught me about my body and my mind, and my husbands body and mind. But I can not wait for this part of the journey to end and a new journey in forming and growing life to begin.

Peace, and baby dust to all!