Exhausted Mama...teething


Anyone’s little 1 getting their 1st top molars?? My son has yet to sleep through the night without waking up once or twice as it is but about a month ago I had a few days in a row just before his 1st bday that he only woke up once and briefly (it was glorious). Then BAM he started regressing big time...I could tell he was starting to teethe. This round of teeth have been horrible...he just finally had one break through and the other is close. He sleeps about a 4 hour stretch then is up every 2 hours and sometimes it takes him 2 hours to finally fall back to sleep. This has been going on for almost a month and I’m running on E. I can handle the waking up often but not falling back asleep is what’s killing me 🤦🏼‍♀️😴 Any advice? In the same boat? Will this be over soon??