Super emotional and sensitive (need to vent)

My so works 12 hours a day I only see him from 7pm to when we go to sleep like 10 ish and when I wake up hes gone for work the next day.

I obviously wish we would spend a lot more time together. But I'm a college student and with his job it's hard sometimes.

But today we've been texting a lot and he was like "why dont you come have lunch with me at 12" and I got so excited and was like yes of course I leave all ready for class (since my class starts at 1 and is like 5 mins away from his job)

I got home from dropping o UK r daughter off at daycare and started doing my make up to meet up with him. And he calls me like 20 minutes before and he cancels on me because he said the restaurant said they would take a long time to have our order ready and yeah I was holding in my tears and said "no dont wordy it's okay, yeah I love you too"

I got really upset. And idk if it's my ppd or what. But yeah.

We've talked about it and he says he misses me too but since hes finicailly supporting me and my daughter(he wants me to focus on my school and our daughter) he needs to work.

It's just hard sometimes. I love him and love the few hours of cuddles we have each night.

I just miss him