I have a question and need help???

Let's just start off I'm really scared to take this pill I'm 40 years old I've been having irregular periods for over a year now I've had 3 Iron infusions the doctor say I'm not going through menopause I had a D&C back at the end of June and I had a bunch of polyps in my uterus they remove them and they said that was why I was bleeding go to find out that is not why I'm bleeding.... So they put me on Medroxyprogesrerone 10mg I'm scared to death to start this pill but I'm tired of bleeding I deal with a lot of anxiety I take medicine for it I take Wellbutrin and Klonopin I just don't want to freak out... Can you guys give me any of your stories if you took in this pill my doctor wants me on it for 3 months see if it will kick-start my body on working itself he wants to start me with 14 days on 14 days off for 3 months and see if that works the DNC was supposed to help the bleeding stop and bleeding like a cow my friend I'm going to die I'm afraid of pills so any suggestions or your experience on these pills would really help me a lot thank you very much

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