My EX, a Stupid ass cheater


So I met this guy my freshman year in high school(2012), he was from 2 hours away. Just came to the school truthfully never noticed him. At an after school study hall he apparently noticed me. So his friends and mutual friends of ours tried to hook us up. I wasn’t having it. Long story short a couple weeks later I let him have my number. Within three months I heard he was flirting with another girl was kissing on her in school. I mean people talk so I let it go. Until I heard again that he was at her house laid up with her. He was friends with her brother so of course that would be his excuse. Well One day he came to school with this big ass turtle neck sweater. I caught a glimpse of a huge purple hickey on his neck. Mind you he has nice chocolate skin so it should be a little hidden but IT WAS NOT! So last week of school I just ignored him. Well we talked it out left it alone.

Over the course of 3 years he cheated four different times with four different girls. That I knew of. I caught him in a lie! Saw pictures of him and these girls on Twitter, found those picture rolls you take in booths, even messaged the girls and they confirmed they had no idea about the other girls but he said he had just broke up with me so they weren’t worried. Except the one fool ass girl.

So I called this man one night and she answers I thought it was a joke or whatever she said she was with my man in the bed we just had sex in at his family’s house back at home where he was from. So I was like if it really is him put him on the phone. Finally he gets on and say “ yea it’s me leave me tf alone” so I did delete everything of his threw his shit out. He called me 2 days later saying that wasn’t him he didn’t remember. So jump forward...

He moved to Nc cheated once more as soon as he got there, how I don’t know because he knew no one there. So basically fuck the first girl he saw. then found out he got her pregnant “on accident”🙄😡tf does that mean!? Anyway so I told him leave me alone never contact me I blocked all his numbers he had and his sisters.

Present day: (6 years later 2018)I saw a post his brother liked and it was of my ex and his SECOND BABY MAMA! and they’re son! I mean great for him. But.... I get a call from this random ass number. Being a business woman I answer all calls because it could be important. So I answer and it’s him. At first I was gonna hang up but I had so much to say. So he starts with “ hey love I miss you and I’m sorry for everything that I did” 🙄🤮🤐 I just blew up!!! How in the world does some dumb ass have the nerve to call while he’s with his son and try to say he still loves me and wants me and will pay for a trip for me to come to North Carolina to spend a week with him! He is still calling everyday trying to text when his child’s mother is not there and confess his love for me! I am in disgust but not surprised.