
Am I the only one that gets annoyed that every time I post a picture of my son, see my MIL or talk to her she ALWAYS has to say my son misses his grandma. Like my mom doesn't count? Like me and my SO don't count. My son is 3 weeks old. He doesn't miss anything except for the boob when he's hungry. Today is my SO's birthday so I posted a picture of our son on his Facebook saying happy birthday Dad with the face he makes when he poops and his mom has to comment thats the face he makes because be misses his grandma.

It's our first baby so maybe I'm just being selfish. But it just annoys the shit out of me.

UPDATE: yes she sees baby enough. She has seen him at least twice a week since he has been born. They only live 20 minutes away. And she gets to see him tonight and tomorrow. Last weekend we were camping with them and she literally would not give him back for 7 hours unless he needed to eat. And once I was done breastfeeding she would hold out her arms for him. I finally told her no I want to hold my baby and then she got mad saying I was keeping her baby from her. So I said no he's mine and SO's baby, not yours. And she got mad at that too. My SO thinks she's just joking around...whether she is or not it's not okay with me. I've been dealing with the baby blues/ppd and she knows it but doesn't seem to care.