Christian believing for a Miracle


Tonight I had my mini breakdown. I allowed myself a day to really believe that I could be pregnant. Then AF appeared again! Even when she did appear I still wanted to believe it could somehow be early Pregnancy bleeding.

Then my heart sank with the realization of where we were again.

The “why me’s” & what’s wrong with me” & all the negative thoughts came flooding back.


<a href="">IUI</a>

was once again unsuccessful (9/24/18).

I’m 43. Most people would think I’m crazy. Its why I’ve only told a few. But I know that God placed this dream deep in my heart. Not to adopt. Not to foster (even though I did foster), but to have my 2nd “miracle” baby/ies.

I’m believing for my miracle. I’d love to hear scripture that you are standing on. I’d love to hear what you are believing for. Today was my “Good Friday,” but I’m believing Easter Sunday is right around the corner & that God will give me beauty for my ashes. I know I don’t stand alone.

Wednesday I begin lab testing for

<a href="">IVF</a>

. I will have the flushing of Fallopian tubes and I’m hoping and praying and believing God is making my “crooked places straight,” & will give my Dr insight and wisdom to help my womb become a warm safe healthy place to grow baby #2!

I would love some strong faith-filled women (or women who need faith filled friendships) to join this group so we can support one another.

Lord, be with us today as we embark on yet another journey towards becoming mothers. Holy Spirit guide our steps out decisions and give us comfort when we need it. Heal our wombs. Be ever so present in this walk in faith. Amen.


Doing HSG tomorrow I hope. I’m driving myself and it’s about a two and a half hour drive. Anyone had this done recently. I had it done before I conceived my daughter with

<a href="">IUI</a>

but that was six years ago. I’m hoping I’m ok to make drive by myself. I just recall cramping. Where is everyone at ?

- natural?

- natural with some meds?


<a href="">IUI</a>

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<a href="">IVF</a>

I created this post not just for me but for a place for women to chat about their experiences with God in mind.


Had HSG - tubes are clear! Took IBP & Benadryl (had slight reaction last time in my lip so just in case).

Nov 2nd consult to go over results & to create our <a href="">IVF</a> plan. I’m ready, but this month we will still keep trying naturally. I believe God can make this happen!