The story of Kinslee Grace💞

Amari • Kinslee grace7/24/18👧🏻🤱🏻💞

Kinslee grace decided to come into the world 2 months early (I was 31 +6) on July 24,2018 (she was due September 19,2018) due to eclampsia/Help syndrome. My husband found me seizing in our bed when he got off of work in the morning (he had just switched to third shift thank god!) she was 3 lbs 4 oz and 16 3/4 inches! I just want to apologize in advance for all the pictures I’m just really happy& excited for her to have grown so much ❤️

She spent 43 days in the Nicu and that was honestly the hardest thing for us leaving her everyday in her incubator not know when we could take her home with us😭 but eventually she started gaining a lot of weight and being able to breathe on her own!

When she turned a month old ❣️

When she finally got put into her open air bed!!

September 5,2018 was the best day of my life she was finally able to come home!😊😊 this was her coming home outfit the jeans literally swallowed her lol

Her car ride home❤️

Daddy bringing her into the house 😊❤️

Her mema LOVES taking pictures of her lol

Her potential Halloween costumes (we haven’t decided on one yet)

When she turned two months old😊💞

And now here she is at 2 1/2 months she is 7 lbs 9 oz!