A little shocked


So I’m pregnant with my third baby, both of my other pregnancies I was diagnosed with GD. The first time I managed with just diet and the second time I had to take glyburide. Well, they decided to test me at 12 weeks, they f*cked up and when they sent all my blood work in they forgot to order the sugar test. So I had to drink the nasty drink again at my 16 week appointment. Waited a week didn’t hear back, so obviously I was concerned they messed up again. So I called and they told me I passed, by 15 whole points!! Has this ever happened to anyone else??? I was so sure I would fail. They are going to have me do it again at 28 weeks when they would normally do it, but I’m wondering if anyone else has had GD multiple times and then passed a test. I guess keep your fingers crossed for me because it would be amazing to go through a pregnancy without needing to prick my fingers 4 times a day and count carbs all the time. It took a lot out of me in my last pregnancy and it would be nice to be more relaxed this tome around