Nothing is more aggravating....

Than the stigma that comes with the term “infertility”. I’ve lost friends over dealing with infertility, which I never expected to happen. Just because it takes a ton of work for me to have a baby, doesn’t mean I don’t want to celebrate when you get pregnant. Just because it takes a lot for me to have a baby, doesn’t mean I want to be excluded from your baby shower because you “didn’t know how it would make me feel”. Just because I can’t have a baby at the moment, doesn’t mean that I’m not going to support you when you want to start a family. My infertility isn’t some disease that you are going to “catch”. People who are struggling with infertility are your typical humans with feelings like everyone else. Maybe it’s just the hormones from the medicines during this

<a href="">IUI</a>

, but am I the only one who feels this way?? So sick and tired of the stigma associated with needing assistance to get pregnant.