7w5d mornings sickness gone

Caitlyn • Teacher. Wife. Northerner for life. Boy mom and pregnant with my 2nd 🤰🏼 ❤️

Hey guys. So I lost my last pregnancy around 6 weeks. This time around we had an early scan at 6 weeks that showed the healthy heartbeat of 116, they said everything looked good. Just a tiny sch. For the last two weeks I’ve had a lot of nausea. And just general loss of appetite. Sore boobs and just feeling run down. Day before yesterday I started feeling better. And today I have my appetite back, my boobs aren’t sore. No more stretching pains in my uterus. Anyone else experience anything similar? I know symptoms come and go in pregnancy, but it still freaks me out. i’ve had no bleeding or cramping. No pain etc. this happened around 5 weeks as well, as I thought I’d lost the baby but 6 weeks ultrasound went well. It’s just weird now because its further along. I go in on Wednesday for another scan so there’s no point in calling to get in earlier.