I feel really alone

So, I don’t have any friends. And I feel like there’s something wrong with me or I’m a bad person. My most recent falling out involved my friend setting me up with her friend, but he cheated and broke up with me, and after that happened, my “friend” acted as if I didn’t exist, and blames me for our friendship being so rocky and now we’re not friends anymore. And another example is this one time, when I was sexually assaulted, I had a friend who was in the room with me when it happened, and did nothing to help me, and also acted as if I did exist after the fact I had been violated. Me and her fought a lot and also blames me for our friendship ending. Anyways, the bottom line is that, I just can’t keep any friends and I’ve never had any long term friendships and it makes me wonder if I’m and awful or bad person or if there is something wrong with me. But I feel alone all the time and I haven’t had a friend or any friends in almost a year