Need a first boy name and a middle girl name! Please help



So we already have a beautiful daughter called Nina Joan Clayton. Joan is my Nans name.

This time round it's a surprise though so we need to agree on a girl and boy name.

For a girl we love the name Abby.

My middle name is Elizabeth so I would like Abby Elizabeth Clayton. Am I being selfish here?

The only option my DH is giving me is Abby Dorothy Clayton. Technically I suppose my DH should pick the middle names from his side but although I adore his Nan I'm not keen on his Nans name (Dorothy).

For a boy we both agree we like Arthur (in both sides of family) for a middle name but no idea on a first name.


............ Arthur Clayton

Abby ............. Clayton

Please help guys, we are going round in circles 😩 xx