Super painful HSG (1 tube blocked) - any success stories out there?


I’ve never posted before, but I find all of the posts I read here helpful. So I thought I’d share my story. I’m 30, soon to be 31, and we’ve been TTC for 1 year & 5 months with no success.

I never had any indication or reason to believe getting pregnant would be difficult. Last Fall I had a period so painful I was vomiting, which had never happened before. My Dr. said it was bc I was turning 30 and “cycles change”. My family has a history of endometriosis, various cancers & fibroids, so I was on high alert. Neither my OBGYN or my GP seems concerned though, so it must be fine.

Fast forward to my 1 yr TTC Mark. My Dr. runs bloodwork & a hormone panel, both of which came back “great”. She recommends that DH gets a sperm analysis. He does...he has 2 in fact because his Dr. “didn’t like the lab” he went to the first time. Both of those came back normal. His Dr. actually said “you could be getting lots of women pregnant”. 🤦🏼‍♀️

My Dr. asks if I’d rather an HSG or a laparoscopy to check for signs of Endo. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I opted for the HSG, because I’m scared of going under without making sure it’s necessary.

I had the HSG today. I expected mild pain, similar to AF cramps, like the Internet says...because if it’s on the Internet, it must be true, right? Y’all....IT WAS F*CKING EXCRUCIATING. Turns out I have a blocked Fallopian tube.

So here we are, thinking we’d have answers after the HSG, but all we have are more questions.

We use OPKs, PreSeed & I’ve started tracking BBT. I just don’t know what else to do. I guess my Dr. will suggest a laparoscopy next. Idk. Apparently, it’s still possible to get pregnant with a blocked tube. Has anyone had success after finding out about a blocked tube in an HSG?